I took the plunge and went with the Fuji XT-1 with a 27 mm f2.8 lens. It's funny how accustomed we become to our cameras. It takes a little time to get used to the feel of a new camera in your hands, the way the shutter clicks, the electronic viewfinder, and the look of digital files. While I love my Canon 6D, I'm all about a high quality camera that is small and light for street. I had the chance to warm up this weekend while in Washington DC. I really enjoy shooting people in museums. First of all, the light is typically good. Secondly, you're surrounded by interesting compositions. Thirdly, people tend to disperse in ways that open up opportunities. This image was taken in the Smithsonian American Art Museum. A self portrait of sorts in the reflection and a curious onlooker.
Breaking in the Fuji XT-1 in DC
Self Reflection - © Wendy Drexler Washington DC