Festivals, concerts, and events where people flock offer many opportunities to encounter interesting people.. At the New Orleans Jazz Festival, I was always moving. I learned that I need to stay in one place and work the scene a little longer. Here, at this small summer concert in Providence, I decided to stay in one place. It's clear upon review of the contact sheet (and some editing advice from Craig) that I need to move a bit, get closer, and work the scene from different angles. I really see the value of keeping all shots, letting them simmer, and going back to review after a few days... or longer. It's so clear that I missed stories-within-stories by observing from a distance. You don't always see this in the moment with camera in hand and life buzzing around you. Taking time to analyze the work and internalize the mistakes is the only way to improve next time. This shot is a good example. I love this young woman's pose. You're probably thinking, which young woman. How much better this pose would be just a bit closer. Practice, practice, practice.
Get Closer
Providence Summer Concert ©Wendy Drexler