I'm so fortunate to be attending a Magnum Photography Workshop in Provincetown, MA. In attendance and doing nightly lectures are Constantine Manos, Bruno Barbey, David Allen Harvey, and Olivia Arthur. Bruce Davidson will be here tomorrow. Students can apply to work with a specific photographer. I chose to work with Olivia Arthur, as she is one of the few female Magnum photographers. Olivia is a documentary photographer. She is really pushing me out of my comfort zone and helping me get closer to the people I interact with on the street. It's a process, but I feel I'm making progress. Olivia is pictured here in the passenger side of the Cadillac with her assistant for the week, a renowned P-Town photographer in her own right, Angela Russo. The car is Angela's baby, Pearl. Like Angela, Pearl has character and attitude. As is true with any workshop, I'm learning as much from the other attendees as I am from the pros. Eric Kim, a prolific blogger, street tog, and curator of all things street photography is here and working with Constantine Manos. It's especially fun to follow Eric's blog while he's here living it.
Learning from the Best - Olivia Arthur
Olivia Arthur and Angela Russo ©Wendy Drexler Provincetown